Friday, September 18, 2009

i like you but i hate you too (:

Hello Hello Hello ! I am feeling bored so i am going to post ! >:D Hmmm, Went to school today. Manda fetched me to school . YAY, THANKS ! (: Reached school, super sleepy D: No assembly. Hmm, Maths 1st period. Z Z Z -.- Had test. Dont know what I was doing. But never mind O: OMG, I dont understand linear graph D: Never come school, thats the result D: HA HA HA Okay, Geog test. Totally screwed up. I didnt study. So i dont know anything D: AH, CHEM WAS TOTALLY Z Z Z -.- Had mock spa and was scared to light up the bunsen burner. Got scolded by ms tan cause she said i will be alone during spa and i need to learn how to light it up. I scared what D: BUT I IN THE END LIGHT UP ON MY OWN LEYY ! ! ! ! :D :D :D :D last two boring lessons then end school. Training. It was raining at first. So had physical training ): Ahhh PAIN D: then match And blah3 ~ i dont want post already i want to watch BYE :D

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